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Mail: post@holmplast.no
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Tough fender flares for Toyota Hilux Double Cab 16+ With simulated screw holes in excess to obtain a raw look! Sold as a set of 4 pc. Can be painted for an extra cost. Product Benefits:
2-3 weeks delivery time
Superbar roll bar to Toyota Hilux 16+
Art. no. blanc: MSUECSB410IX
Art. no. black: MSUECSB410PL
ATT: Please specify if your car has Chrome Pack Plus.
Wind deflector for window Toyota Hilux
Double Cab (four doors) 2016+ & 2021+
Art. no: 032566AM
MediumBar Bull Bar to Toyota Hilux 16-20
Art. no. MSUECMED410IX
Art. no. MSUECMED410PL
ATT: Please specify if the car has Chrome Pack Plus
Hood shield for Toyota from 2016-2020 Art.nr: 039381