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Tel: +47 32 71 19 00
Thor Holm Plastvarefabrikk AS
Nerstad industriområde 1,
N-3350 Prestfoss, Norway
Mail: post@holmplast.no
If you are using GPS, please use our coordinates: 59°59'52.3"N 9°44'18.4"E
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Robust work lamp that handles norwgian conditions. Choose between 45 Led & 80 Led.
Two unike work lamps. Choose the type in the drop down menu above.
CAN bus connection for controlling LED auxiliary lights via OBD-II/OBD-2. Includes a wireless transmitter and receiver, which is quickly and easily installed in the car without affecting the car's electrical system.
Control extra lights or other connected equipment using this wireless push button that communicates with the XBB-Dongle via Bluetooth, so you don't need to run a cable to connect a traditional wired switch.
Firefly is designed to push the boundaries of illumination, technology, and design. The crisp, extremely wide beam pattern delivers maximum performance with no compromises. You get 12076 actual lumens of pure, white light that guides you forward with clarity and precision at over 500 meters.