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Square load bars for King Top on Nissan before 2005.
Traditional square load bars in steel with black, plastic coating. Slotted.
In stock. Sent within 1-2 working days.
Hardtop for Nissan Navara D22 2 doors, from 98-1.nov 2001. Painted.
Art.nr: 15-22
Rails for hardtop, 130 cm
For King Top 170/175/186/188/189 Art.nr: 631
Hardtop for Nissan D22 King Cab (2 doors) from 1.nov 2001+ and NP300 King Cab 2005+
This is the facelift-variant of 15-22 (Nissan KC 1998-2001).
Art.nr: 15-23 The price include standard white color, if nothing else is specified.